It would be easy right now to disappear into a fit of woe me...however I am grateful for the improvements the last week has given me. I can now cut up my own food, and don't need to use a china cup as I can manage to hold a mug. I do sometimes like to use a china cup, but when it became a need it wasn't such fun.
Yesterday I worked a light shift at the care home...was absolutely knackered by the end of it, but it was good to get out for a bit. Also managed to check in on the Auntie I've been helping on Monday morning. No long hospital shifts yet, but soon hopefully.
So I've lit the woodturner...I can do that again now, which was a no no a couple of weeks ago. The rash has gone, it's just the joint stiffness that's causing a few issues now. It will pass. Just in its own good time.
Have found a couple of pork chops in the freezer so they will be for our tea, a few roast potatoes and some veg I have in the freezer. A part jar of homemade apple sauce is sitting in the fridge needing to be used, and lashings of gravy on the top should see two satisfied tummies. Sorry hubby, but as yet there will be no afters, even if you do look at me hopefully when you ask the question!
Hoping to Wassail our apple trees later with son in law. Not sure if the little ones will join in. I couldn't have even entertained it on twelfth night so it's rather convenient that there's old twelfth night too!
Currently drinking glassfuls of pineapple juice which I don't normally have. Just read that it's good as an anti-inflammatory so maybe it's a case of the body craving what it needs.
The cats are playing games of please may I...come in...go out...crazy cats!
This time of year I usually make plans...well that hasn't happened at all up to now.
We do have a trip away planned soon, but I'll tell you all about that when it's actually happened.
Have been spending some money from the fireside...darn that internet shopping...some wool underwear...and washing liquid to look after said underwear...My skin has become more sensitive to acrylic fabrics so I'm trying some natural alternatives.
Also have purchased a new hair brush...a wooden one. My plastic ones have developed a horrible tackiness which is truly yuck.
Have even purchased a Fussy deodorant which is more natural and refillable. Really pleased with it so far. May even go as far as trying to convert hubby to one from his spray.
Finally a totally random photo of the crackers I made for Christmas...they were rather large!
Blessings, J. x