Wednesday 23 October 2024

A Catch Up Of Sorts

Well well well…

How time has flown once again. For those interested my scarf came second in the knitting competition. It has also caused quite a stir. In all honesty, and not wanting to blow my own trumpet it should have won. What did win had the possibility of not warranting being placed, however the judge is sister to a friend of ours and is suffering from dementia. She has judged the handicrafts for several years. Sadly it appears she gets in a bit of a muddle and possibly recognises a name and puts that first in all classes. Oh dear. it doesn’t really bother me, but it is beginning to look rather strange and I just hope nobody decides to complain to her.

Anyway, other people I know have broached the situation with our friend, who of course is worried about her sister. 

We have celebrated with several of our friends last weekend who joined with us in welcoming the recent Mr. & Mrs. to Devon(Our son and daughter in law). It having been an away wedding was not conducive to inviting people just to the evening do.  Been rather busy, and we’re currently eating up leftovers. 

A day off today has been filled to the brim with computer accounting catch uping!

The washing machine we use to wash the really grotty boiler suits gave up the ghost and so our inside machine has been moved to the pig house to step into the role and a new one has been delivered this afternoon. Currently doing its first load. I hope it becomes a long standing member of the family!

The other week I took eldest grandson to the local pottery for his birthday treat. The scene has been painted and is currently in the kiln!

Hubby on that same day managed to have rather a nasty accident. He was up in the handler bucket cutting a branch when it flipped back and caught his foot. Somehow another branch then took him out the bucket. Luckily he managed to throw the chainsaw away, however there was only four year old second grandson with him watching from the cab. he climbed out and asked if Grumpy was going to get up then asked where his phone was. Poor little chap idolises his Grumpy and it really scared him. It really scared hubby too, he admitted a few days later he thought he’d lost his foot.

We think his foot was fractured however he did not go for an xray. His outer ankle is being dressed every few days by me, luckily I have access to specialist dressings from work, as his wound went slightly  narcotic. I also managed to measure him for some light compression that was safe to apply without having a Doppler.

Anyway, apologies for being absent from your blogs for a while, I hope to soon be back!

Blessings J. x