So the weather has resumed its continuation of rain, rain, and more rain, just as it has been for much of this whole year. It just so happens to be the week I chose to take off from work. Big sigh…though I’m not sure quite what I would have got up to if it had been gloriously sunny. My energy has deserted me since falling foul of a nasty virus last week. Little steps I keep reminding myself as I wheeze my way through tasks. I’ve started taking my inhalers again, though the preventative one takes two weeks to get fully working and the instant Ventolin leaves me feeling like a wreck.
Hey ho as they say. With feet currently up and having just finished a cup of tea life can’t be all bad.
I need to complete the scarf I’ve been knitting as it is to be entered in a local show at the weekend. A lovely pattern I thought as I popped it into my Etsy basket, however upon printing it out on ten pages, yes ten, I began to realise its complexity. Should have been wary of the name…Everest! Anyway I now just need to weave in the ends and double graft the two halves together…oh my!
Most of the stitches are twisted…which made for fun taking back if I noticed an error. Something a little different anyway.
I have taken to getting a weekly delivery of groceries, and at the moment have been very pleased with how it’s gone. My first job of this week was tidy the pantry cupboard, a big tick, but I still need to defrost the two chest freezers and they’re in the old pig house so maybe not a job for this weather.
Any ideas as to what I can cook for tea, after two nights of chicken curry which was lovely my brain seems rather depleted on ideas. Knowing hubby will be out a night or two preparing for the weekend’s ploughing match has rather taken my mind off the what to have problem. That and a slightly wooly head.
Autumn has now well and truly begun, logs are in the storage shed and stacked in the rack in the passage…there are also the ones in the fireplace and yesterday was a day for lighting the fire after dinner. Looking out at the rain, today could well end in the same hue!
I need to make a coffee sponge and some ginger biscuits for classes at the show too, so maybe this afternoon I will float off into my happy place and flick through a recipe book or two.
Looking forward to catching up on your blogs soon.
Blessings, J. x