For anyone interested in jigsaw puzzles, here is the one son and daughter in law gifted me at Christmas…it took a while!
Been a bit of an unsettling day, Mother in law was ambulanced to hospital this morning, but after checks has returned home. It has brought it home to me the age of my in-laws, and I lost both parents many years ago. Time marches on and waits for no one as they say. Anyway, home she is for now.
Decided (wisely) not to attempt any paperwork of a financial nature whilst waiting for news. Instead we have a fresh loaf of bread and some brownies for packed lunches. Pork chops, proper butchers ones are sizzling away in the Aga at present and I think I’ll just do some more of my current jigsaw (of our very own tractor) this evening.
Blessings, J. x.
Well done, I'm not a puzzle person, it does look a hard one.