Of dust...oh yay...the dust bunnies are here and have come to stay a while! Foundations are dug for us and next door...it took a week and is all passed by the building inspector. We foolishly thought it would take two days...silly us. However the builders assured us if they had been doing it it would have taken three weeks...hubby is a bit of a goer obviously! Anyway the digger has just been collected...along with it's various buckets and an additional pecker which was needed to break up certain areas. We have treated our immediate neighbours to their favourite tipples and chocolates to apologise for all the mess and noise...they said we didn't have to...we said we wanted to!
Henry cried when he realised the digger had to go...he is digger mad...he'll get over it! I needed my normally 10am coffee at 8:30 this morning...I fed what seemed like a small army last week...one labourer, a family friend who was draying trailers and sometimes on the digger, us and daughter's family. Morning break, lunch, and tea. My joints are playing up, just this weekend...I don't know what I've done differently if anything as although I've been getting food offerings to the hoard I haven't been digging in the garden. Maybe the weather turning colder is to blame, who knows.
Today I am finally on my own...the children have been shipped off to youngest daughter for the day whilst their Mummy goes to work...I need to knuckle down to some paperwork...just waiting for the coffee to trickle into all the necessary places! My we have such a cold wind...proper Mayfair weather, except that for the second year running there will be no Mayfair...always on the first Thrusday in May. On Saturday I am returning for a late shift to work...well if my boss has done the rota correctly. Then I am having a week off. The week after I will do two late shifts then have another week off. Hopefully this will set me up right to get back in the swing of things. I have 4.8 weeks holiday to take before the end of July so can do this for a few weeks if necessary.
Later this afternoon I'm off for the weekly shop...plus an outdoor light...a casuality of the digger but it could have been much worse...read tired husband and a roll bar incident! I've decided to time my trip for when eldest daughter returns with the children and is getting their tea...in my kitchen as theirs plus their bathroom is no longer standing. I will have the children tomorrow and need just a little space! Two boys close together = real handful!