Sunday, 9 March 2025

I Guss It’s Been Awhile!

Well there really are no excuses you haven’t heard before. One little thing called LIFE has been rather getting in the way. Another excuse is post viral fatigue, you know the thing, just about manage the working day then flop. So what have I been up to so much…and well might you ask…so the list…

Octavia arrived…meet Octavia everyone!

Yes I’ve upgraded from keyboard to piano…and grandson No.2 is super happy because Mummy and Daddy gave him my keyboard for his birthday, though he hasn’t twigged that it was my keyboard as I told him I had swapped my keyboard for the piano!

Also our furniture arrived, the same week as the piano actually…

We have settled to it nicely, and as ours has migrated to next door if we get a little forlorn missing the old set we just need to pop round!

Anyway, Octavia’s ivories have been well and truly tinkled. And she is being re-tuned in a couple of weeks, apparently she has had to settle into our atmospheric environment. 

I’ve been continuing my baking of all things sourdough, and I have given one of Little Dorrit’s daughters to a colleague of mine…she has called it Baby Dorrit.

The sap is rising and I have the first stirrings of not wanting to be indoors if the weather is fine, though the evenings are still chilly, and it seems we will return to frosty mornings in a day or two after having had a few milder ones. Such is a fools Spring.

After a day with lively winds yesterday, today has been calmer, the result being the wood burner has been a real pain to light. 

We were intending to be out for our Sunday tea, at youngest daughters however hubby  finished the job that was needed early and we have returned home as she forgot to buy the chicken to roast…don’t ask, anyway, having gone  to a charity big breakfast this morning we won’t need too much to eat anyway…theoretically!

So a little live Crufts before deciding what we do fancy.

Blessings, J. x.