Sunday, 25 November 2018

Dealing With Depression

This holiday has been far from that in reality 
Our son has been suffering with depression for the last twelve months
And had not shared this with us
I hope I have put in place some things that will help him
His former girlfriend is still standing right by him
Hurting and confused 
They are best friends 
And as he recovers I hope they will plan their future together 
We have no more secrets
He has done what everybody does when depressed
Pushed all those who love and care for him away
To wallow in his dark cave
Parenting never stops
Not just for tiny infants reliant on their Mothers’ milk
My boy is 26, has a good job and his own home
Depression doesn’t care who you are or what you have
I am now exhausted 
Returning to work tomorrow will take some doing
But I shall put my best foot forwards 
Being depressed sometimes is normal
If treated appropriately we can become stronger and more understanding 
I hope I have treated this situation appropriately and with understanding 
Blessings J. x


  1. It is difficult, from either side. Each person suffers thinking they are alone in suffering. Having been there and still climbing out of that hole, it is hard. Wishing you strength, understanding and love. Having folk who supported me was, with hind sight, the best I could hope for xx

    1. Thank you...I just hope I can be supportive enough living quite a distance away. xx

  2. My son suffered a really bad bout of depression about two years ago around the same time my husband was dying from cancer (it was not linked to my husbands illness) it was a really difficult time for the family but with love and support we came through it together.

    1. So sorry to hear of the suffering you and your family have gone through...I too believe the key to recovery is the support and understanding of loved ones xx

  3. I'm thinking about you at this difficult time for your family. Hopefully, with medical help, now that your son has opened up, he will start to get better. So glad to see that his girlfriend is staying by his side and hopefully a lot of things between them will be mended. Take care.

    1. Thank you Janice...I hope the opening up has released much of the tension he was feeling...xx

  4. Oh Jackie. It must be so difficult seeing your son struggling. I hope it's a relief for him that it's out in the open now and that he is getting the support he needs. X

    1. Yes Jules it certainly is...I only hope I’ve done and said the right things these past few days xx

  5. Oh Jackie I am so sorry.
    Sending love and Hugs-x-

  6. Thinking of you. I am glad your son has now told you, so you're able to support him. The key thing is being able to talk when you feel you need it. Arilx

    1. Only wish it had come out sooner so he wouldn’t be as far down the plug hole x

  7. Oh how sad. I think you are right, love, support and understanding is the key to recovery. Depression is a horrible thing for the sufferer and for those around him. Thinking of you all. x

    1. The course of true love never did run smooth as the saying goes x
