So house sale...nearly complete before falling through.
One scald to the arm...painful but healing.
Nasty...really nasty virus of some sort...began like flu...then a heavy cold.
Super hairy ageing dog who shouldn't really come in on the pale carpet...but well...
Computer and internet glitches...
iPad glitches...seriously update...what have you done?
So with a head full of cold I sat with heavily pregnant daughter yesterday,
And watched while next door had viewings from potential buyers...
Ouch..that hurt sooo much.
Daughter had some interest in their house, only for them to cancel hopefully to reschedule,
However until they're through the door and love the place, and have available funds it's all for nothing.
It being a family house there is very little movement just before Christmas...
And I can do absolutely nothing to help...
Except my brain doesn't realise and has me awake at silly o'clock each night.
Today I really must get our paperwork into the accountant
How many times have I been going to get it done these past months
Goodness knows, but it's weighing heavily on my mind.
November is living up to it's reputation.
Dull and dreary...with my mood to match.
Despite all the negatives I do realise how lucky as a family we really are.
Even if the house buying doesn't come off they are not destitute.
We shall have food on our table this Winter,
And we shall be warm.
Blessings J. x