Saturday, 6 November 2021

Beginning To Bloom

I feel our home is beginning to bloom again...though much is left to do including more plaster boarding. The kitchen is now a working kitchen, with our future dining table in it until the dining room gets finished. Hubby has worked tirelessly...though sometimes rather bad temperedly!

The first plate rack is up and in use. It doesn't hold as many mugs as I should have liked, but you know will do!

We don't yet have all the drawer handles, so that is a little awkward, but hubby has drilled all the holes in readiness. We heaved downstairs a small dresser as well today. More storage. We chose to have no top cupboards, but will have some open shelving plus eventually our massive pantry cupboard, which started life as a wardrobe many years ago.

Our halloween decorations are still in the attic somewhere, so this was as spooky as it got for us this year.

I've been struggling with a hanger on of a chesty cold for all of October, and yesterday began taking some antibiotics. Nasty green ones that make me feel really nauseous. The building dust is probably partly to blame, but now I just really want it GONE!

Blessings J. x


  1. Love your plate rack.
    Hope that cold goes ASAP

    1. Thank you Sue. It's coming together nicely now. x

  2. Oh, I'm so pleased it's all coming together for you at last. It will all be worth it in the end.
    I hope those antibiotics do the trick and you will soon be rid of your cold. X

    1. Thank you Jules, it can be quite hard seeing the wood for the trees at times, but we can see an end result in the not too distant future hopefully. I hope the antibiotics work too. I'm not in bed ill, but just not right and this morning am beginning to sound like a goose coughing! Hope you are recovering also. x
