Thursday, 28 July 2022

A Glut

Well... the garden is still producing...though the strawberries have now come to an end, a few raspberries are still ripening. Beetroot is growing nicely and I've already boiled up a couple of panfuls. The peas are wanting to go to seed at an alarming rate, but we've eaten our fill on most days. The runner beans are not performing of their finest, but some have been stashed in the freezer. However the tomatoes are literally coming out of our ears. Lovely orange ones I eat like sweets straight from the vine. Small red ones and large ones that hubby prefers...

After dealing with these I remembered that some are beginning to ripen in the top greenhouse too!

This little fella came in this morning...and so straight...not all have been so grand!

A pan of pea and mint soup on the go the other was delicious

Yesterdays make was strawberry appears rather sloppy in the jars, but I've yet to open one..the bit left in the pan set lovely though. 

Tomorrow as they say is another day, and I plan to have a bake-up...quiche with parsley, bacon cheese and onion, plain scones after I have made butter and buttermilk...then for tea we can try some of the jam with them. Another batch of bread rolls, and maybe some shortbread. Should keep me out of mischief.

Now coverage of the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony is on and I'm putting my feet up and happily risking square eyes!

Blessings, J. x


  1. My word you have been very busy. I am very impressed! Arilx

  2. You are certainly making the most of your produce! Hope the jam was as delicious as I imagined it on scones :)

    1. Yes...truly yumskydiddlyumsky...just a little sloppy thank you. x

  3. Certainly no shortage of tomatoes in your house!

    1. Oh my...I think hubby has even surpassed those good folks at RHS Rosemoor this year! x

  4. Your garden continues to be very productive. You can't beat the taste of home grown tomatoes. X

    1. They are good to graze on that's for sure...and not too calorific! x
