Monday, 5 June 2023

Enjoying the Sunshine

One way and another we have enjoyed the fine weather that has been with us for the past couple of weeks, despite the regular appearance of an East/North East wind. Now our garden is beginning to mature there are some places to sit away from such inconveniences!

The moon rose with splendour on Saturday evening...

Kitty bird watching I think....

This Weigela is a self seeded beauty...possibly crossing from Bristol Ruby and a variegated form I have...

Rose Iceberg makes a perfect partner...

Taken from a lovely spot to sit...

Anyway...the above probably explains why our home is less than guest ready at the moment. I really don't enjoy being in when it is so lovely outside. Once a week I do a twelve and a half hour shift at the hospital, and kind of hope that it will be not quite such good weather that day! I have made myself a list of jobs needing doing for each day I'm home this week. However I moved our old patio (heavy) set from the garden to the patio and the newer smaller (lighter) set up to the garden...all apart from the table going up the steps...hubby was engrossed in his vegetable patch and to be fair I hadn't asked for his help. So today I'm feeling in touch with some muscles I've not noticed existed for a quite a while!

Miss Kitty helped herself to some grasses that I'd put in Arthurs' cage for him and one must have become lodged somewhere. On Friday evening she was gagging, then she managed to bring up two of the seeds with some food. I was going to take her to the vet on Saturday morning, however she was purring, ate a huge bowl of food and drunk well so I just kept an eye and thankfully she seems recovered...maybe with not an ounce more sense than before, but recovered none the less.

Hope life is treating you all well...I will catch up in due course, however today I really must clean our bedroom and kitchen windows...they are quite a disgrace!

Blessings. J. x


  1. It look glorious, Jackie. This gorgeous weather makes all the difference doesn't it. I just hope this won't be our summer over and done with :)

  2. Oh doesn’t it just…we’re rather thinking that later may become a washout so don’t want to miss out now. I’ve sought shade this afternoon though as it is really too much for my head in the shade loving Leo personality! x

  3. We have to enjoy the sunny weather it can go as fast as it came, and who knows what our summer is going to be.
