Saturday 25 May 2024

Lots to Tell

 I hope you are sitting comfortably...for I have some wonderful news to impart...We have become grandparents for the fourth time...Eldest daughter delivered another truly bouncing baby boy last Sunday evening. Wonderful timing as the two elder boys were able to come to us part way through the afternoon and stayed for a sleepover. At teatime when they asked where Mummy & Daddy had gone we told them as it was such a beautiful evening they had gone for a drive. After the boys had gone to bed we heard of the safe arrival and in the morning Daddy came round to help get the eldest ready for school. Mummy was apparently having a lie in after her late night so they continued to stay at ours so as not to wake her...what a surprise they had when Mummy FaceTimed them from the hospital at 7:30 and showed them their new baby brother. 

By teatime the family was all together in their cosy cottage. The third time Mummy was tired but happy and the older boys had met their young sibling. Not a small baby, he was just shy of 9lb 11oz. Mummy has been resting!

Our weather has been a truly mixed bag this week. Monday was lovely and I spent it outdoors doing our business paperwork. For the rest of the week we've had some showers, downpours, & drizzle mixed in with some blustery sunshine. Washing has dried mostly on the line.

The garden has continued to bloom. I wish we were forecast a better day tomorrow so I could relax outside in it, but alas it seems that is not to be.

Love it when this beauty flowers each year...

One of our window boxes, performing well...

The lilacs have now mostly gone over...

And in less than a blink of an eye May is almost has been busy but good. Long may it continue.

Blessings, J. x


  1. Lovely news and congratulations on the new arrival.
    No idea how May has rushed by but wish it would stop raining every boot sale day!

    1. Thank you Sue. Just think of the pennies saved not stopping long at the car boots! x

  2. Congratulations, he's a whopper, I hope mum is doing OK. I love your window box, it's very pretty.

    1. He most certainly is, but so cute too. I've been very pleased with the window boxes so far anyway. x

  3. That is wonderful news. Huge congratulations! You must be thrilled. Xx
