Monday, 13 January 2025

A Bit of a Week

Well we’ll just have to roll with things…

The good the bad and the ugly…

The news I was previously teasing you with was partly the imminent arrival of a new to hubby van…

I know, not overly exciting…however with the same trip we called in at Thomas Lloyd’s showroom. 15 years ago we purchased a suite of leather furniture from them unseen online and have been very pleased with it. Of course it is now showing its age, and with our ageing backs we decided to try out some replacements. 

We have duly chosen..this time Rosewood in colour…a two seater Lincoln sofa, two grand chesterfield high backed chairs, and a couple of other pieces…quite the haul!

Pictures to follow because right now my brain won’t work quite as it should due to what else has happened this past week.

On Boxing Day hubby must have inadvertently clicked on a cloned version of Tool Station and proceeded to make an order, entering his business card details, which were declined at checkout. This is not unusual, my card from the same account will work fine but online his doesn’t always, anyway I ended up paying with my credit card. As soon as a confirmation email came through something looked a little dubious. I phoned my bank but they needed to wait and see if any goods arrive, however within 48 hours fraudulent transactions were being taken from the account. So that card stopped.

A week or so later an odd text about hubby’s bank card. A scam, not acted upon apart from referring to the number you can forward such attempts to.

Then last Thursday whilst I was in clinic, and unusually my phone not on silent as I was expecting a call from the van man my phone rang…no caller ID so I refused the call, however they immediately rang again so my colleague said must be important and to take the call outside the room. Apparently they were our bank. They knew something about hubby’s card and very insistently wouldn’t let me go even when I kept saying I had a patient to attend to. They said my husband’s details had been wiped off the system. They had allowed a transaction for several thousand pounds go through half an hour before and had just realised this was fraudulent, they then sent me through a one time passcode which they wanted me to read out in order for them to be able to credit the transaction back into the account. I wouldn’t so they sent another and another. I said they were not from half an hour ago and I shouldn’t tell anyone even from the bank the OTP. She kept saying that as she had generated the code I could tell her. Obviously they only had a few seconds to complete the scam on each attempt. For some stupid reason… actually just making it all want to stop I stupidly did tell her the final code, however did not complete the final request which thankfully they also needed. Many anxious moments passed back in clinic helping finish up with the patient before I was free to call the banks fraud line. Thankfully no transactions were cleared and the card was stopped.

I want to kick scream and cry.    

Fast forward a couple of days and eldest daughter thought she had passed some spinal fluid through her nose. Only she didn’t tell me until Sunday. This morning she called the Dr. and eventually spoke to someone in the hopefully know. On Thursday she had spilt some super glue and this may have caused the fluid that escaped to do so.

Silly thing is I see her almost every day, she is after all only next door, but what with one thing and another I didn’t see her Friday or Saturday, and her husband was away all Saturday taking children out on a Ten Tors practice. We happened to go away for the day and that was that. It was quite the shock when I saw her yesterday, white as a sheet, dizzy, and with chronic fatigue.

She’s spent this morning with me and seems to be on the mend.

Boy is life a bit stressful at times.

I need to do a few chores before sunset, not that we’ve had much in the way of sun today.

Hoping for a calmer week ahead.

Blessings, J. x


  1. That is definitely a week you don't want repeating.
    Take care this week - it has to be better

    1. Thank you Sue…it certainly wasn’t the best. Somehow your comment went to spam and I’ve only just noticed…ah well…Blogger being Blogger! X

  2. Oh my, Jackie! That's a week you could have done without.
    I hope your daughter is okay, and that your banking problems are getting resolved.
    Sending love. Xx

    1. Thank you Jules…I’m just beginning to come down and stop trembling…it’s horrible not knowing who you can trust. Daughter looks a little more human day by day…xx
