Sunday, 5 January 2025

A Saturday Tea

Happy New Year to one and all…
We enjoyed this for our tea yesterday…it was just right for a cold Wintery Saturday.

I had thought we’d eat half for tea and have the rest today for lunch…our appetites however thought otherwise!

Made with a packet of puff pastry and some fridge lurkers, with dried herbs atop, eaten in front of the blazing fire it was just what we needed.

I’m aware I haven’t been around these blogger pages much of late. Even now as I try to cobble together a post there are frustrations mounting in my addled brain. My means of computing is seemingly falling out of love with the Blogger platform and makes everything harder than it should be.

Heaven forbid my mind is toying with the idea of Instagram.
I am as yet undecided.

Anyway, stay safe out there.
Blessings, J. x


  1. I know where you are coming from, and I did migrate over to instagram, now I do both. The atmosphere around IG is very different to the friendliness of blogging (and I don't mean blogger) I have jumped back in the blogging-world and am happy that I have xx

  2. I blog and use Instagram, and love both, I do look forward to your post, your supper looks delicious.

    1. It’s a time factoring thing for me at the moment.

  3. Tea looks delicious. Instagram is a great platform, it's so quick and easy to post, but I prefer my connections on blogger. For me, it feels more intentional. Xx

    1. Tea was delicious. Yes I agree Blogger is a nice place…just being rather clunky and annoying at the moment! Xx
