Thursday, 17 January 2019

Long Johns At The Ready

Apparently it’s coming
The colder air 
I hope we’re ready for it
Here in Devon it isn’t always the temperature 
But the wind chill that seeps into our bones
My Mother used to always make sure
That vests were tucked into pants 
To keep body and soul together!
I guess she was right 
Last evening a small group of us
Carefully stepped up the garden path
And came to a halt by the largest apple tree
We made a very fine din indeed!
Toast soaked in cider was placed in the trees’ branches 
And some poured around it’s base
We sang and made merry for a short while
Before heading back inside
So today...goodness it’s going to be packed
Firstly a hasty visit to the hairdresser 
Then some training 
Then what remains of my working shift
Returning home to a wonderfully cooked tea by hubby
Actually he’s just popped back to our bedroom 
To ask what I am going to prepare for tea
So that he has the arduous task
Of placing it in the Aga!
Last week I managed to tumble out of hubby’s van
When he was using the car for a couple of days
I think my foot caught in the battery cover
And I made a very undignified trip to the ground
Landing on one knee
With my elbows nearly in a flower pot
I hobbled into work
And slowly it feels as though every bone and muscle
Was jarred
When did I get this old?!
It is my Saturday to work this weekend
But I intend for Sunday to be peaceful and restful 
I can live in hope
There is a jigsaw puzzle calling to me
I should really like to begin knitting something
But my fingers still feel sore and jarred
I hope the feeling improves soon
I feel as though Heidi is due some extra special woody walks
Ones I can find beautiful things to photograph 
And share with you
I’m not overly keen to share photos of Henry on here
He’s not mine to share!
And there’s only so many woodburner 

And fireplace photos you wish to see
Actually I could look at fireplace photos
Like forever!
These are old photos 
The first from RHS Rosemoor’s Glow event
The other I believe last Winters’ decor!
Blessings J. x


  1. A goodish frost here this morning and it is cold so I will go and tuck my vest into my mother used to say the same thing.

    I haven't fallen but shifting stuff around in the bedroom has really made my poor old bones ache. It seems to take so long to recover as you get older.
    I hope you are soon skipping about again.

    1. It certainly does Sheila...I think we’d be as well to keep our vests tucked in for the foreseeable future! x

  2. A bitterly cold wind here, but no sign of snow yet. Lily and I are keeping our fingers crossed for some.
    Ah yes, I remember the vest tucked into knickers days. It made good sense.
    I hope you're feeling a little less sore now. X

    1. I shall have to make snow pancakes if it does...Brambly Hedge fame! x

  3. Love, love, love the pictures of the wood burner, especially as I just came in from shoveling snow and it's -13degrees C. We have a long driveway and it had been driven on a few times by DIL who is staying here for a few days. Always makes it harder with the tire tracks. I also do two neighbours snow as well. We take turns but they are all at work. They don't do my driveway though, that is left up to me, unfortunately. It's snowing really hard again so I'll be out there again soon enough. I'll have to come in and look at your wood burner again!!lol

  4. Everything about your home looks so cozy and inviting! We're expecting anywhere from 12-24 inches of snow this weekend and then extremely dangerous cold temperatures next week. I'll be needing lots of coziness after clearing up all that snow.

    1. Oh Sue...that is indeed tucked in vest weather! Stay safe x

  5. I love fireplace photos. My own fireplace is the ugliest one I've ever seen but I'm hoping for a new one this year, if things work out. I hope your Sunday was peaceful and restful and that you were warm and cosy. I wish I had an apple tree so that I could do a spot of wassailing, I've always fancied it. x

    1. Thank you...I have in the past endured a couple of rather hideous fireplaces myself...but the cottage one I love. x

  6. I'm on my second 1000 piece jigsaw of the year too. It's a soothing thing to do and helps me keep my mind clear.

    1. Yes...this weekend I shall definitely make sure to hunt one out. x

  7. Your mother was right, vest tucked in really keeps you warmer - I noticed it this morning when walking with kids and 'Suma. I hadn't tucked my shirt in to my trousers and boy did my navel feel the cold!

    1. Brrr...she had a thing about us keeping our kidneys warm too! x
