Thursday, 19 September 2019

With the sun on my back

Oh my...what a glorious few days we are having. I have been preparing fruits and vegetables for Winter storage outside and even brought out my baking things and mixed up an apple cake outside really has been that lovely.
I continue my quest to be ready for whatever Winter throws at us this year. Each walk I venture on my trusty basket comes too. I have this morning collected blackberries, rose-hips and hazelnuts...only a few of each mind...slight disappointment when I reached the field of my choice which had previously had hedges laden with a veritable array of Autumn goodies only to find the hedges had been trimmed. Walking back up the lane with Heidi I couldn't help but feel a sadness...I am able to reach into my cupboards, freezers, and shops to get food...but the wildlife...they really needed what the hedge had to offer. I have made sure all our bird feeders are well topped up. They don't do too badly at our house...mealworms, nuts, sunflower hearts, and niger seed are all provided liberally. I will not be complaining at the cost...we are all in some way responsible for the depletion in natural habitats and food for wildlife. I feel I owe them something at least.
I don't have too long before I must trundle along to work for the afternoon...early evening. I am lucky to have a job I enjoy mostly and must put a brave face on not being able to just sit on the sun-drenched patio all afternoon and be lazy!
Young Henry is one tomorrow and I cannot think where this last year has gone to in such a hurry. Eldest has a pre-natal appointment in the afternoon so he will be spending some of his birthday with his Grandma! I hope I can make it a special time for trying to sneak in any jobs tomorrow!
Due to needing to have my photo taken and due to being way overtired I really need to apply a little makeup before going out the door today, so until next time...
Blessings, J. x


  1. It is lovely at the moment....and not too hot which is especially nice.
    Our bird feeders are being well used by a great variety of birds. They are thoroughly spoiled but it is worth every penny it costs to be able to sit and watch them at close quarters.
    WOW.....Happy Birthday Henry. That has gone by so quickly it's scary.

    1. I feel as though we must still be in April/May...but September two thirds gone...really! Keep spoiling those birds Sheila. x

  2. Happy Birthday to Henry. What a lucky chap he is to be spending part of his birthday with his doting grandmother. The weather has been lovely here, too - I saw a Red Admiral and a Comma in the garden yesterday, feeding on the buddleia in the sunshine with a load of bees. I can't really believe that autumn is upon us. x

    1. Oh yes...Autumn...beautiful Autumn...I do hope it lingers and doesn't step aside so it's successor has too long a reign this year! The butterfly bush by any other name...I need one of those in my garden again! x
