My toes are cold.
I have been up since shortly after 5 o’clock.
Yesterday was an exciting day…more to follow.
Coffee has been drunk, now planning on a cup of tea.
I have a training day today…do I wear my uniform or not bother…hum decisions decisions!
Wilbur is outside in the freezing cold…the reason I was up so early.
Kitty wished to spend the night draped across my neck.
Through the night we have had ferocious hailstorms, thunder and wind.
Hoping leftover stew made on Sunday will be alright to eat for our evening meal later.
Wishing we’d kept the fire in last evening.
Planning the future aesthetic of our living room in my head, and with a tape measure.
Yesterday we travelled to Wales for two reasons…both rather exciting!
This was taken on our way to our second destination.
Anyway, off to put the kettle on again. More details to follow!
Blessings. J. x