Quiet was the morning...the landscape covered in natures' ice blanket. The sun shone gloriously for a few precious hours. It was beautiful. Later though cloud filled the sky and a chill permeated the air. The fire now lit has gradually eased the cold in the living room. Housework has consisted of hoovering downstairs. A big achievement when legs are filled with what feels like jelly. Many tests have been done for my work, but I remain negative for covid. Having had the flu jab I suspect another varient has found my body a glorious host. Whether this all began with the drying effects of the alcohol gel I used to keep my glasses and visor mist free, possibly irritating internal tubes and then letting any airbourne germs get an avenue of attack. First came the soreness and headache, then tummy troubles, next vertigo, then headache again, a sore throat, fever and chills. It has been such a week of fun. Friday...is it really Friday. Not sure I could say I achieved an awful lot this week. Sleep...I suppose I have caught up on sleep, though it has been fitful at times.
Still it is good to be alive...and as we mourn the loss of Meatloaf...what a powerful singing voice that man had. One of hubbys' favourites, memories of our courting days with his voice playing on cassette in the car. Yes we must be grateful for any week, even one when our body has been fighting an unknown attacker.
I did manage a short walk with eldest on Wednesday morning along the Tarka Trail. Thinking it would do me good to get out...maybe it did, but I was glad to hold onto the pushchair as I realised just how wobbily my legs were. It was after tea on Wednesday when the fever really struck.
And for my afternoon trick...well, logs need moving from the passage to the fireplace. A couple of suppliers need paying, and that really could be my lot. I may summon the energy for a couple more rows of knitting to the snood. Maybe a snooze will happen...who knows until it does. This poor body as had quite a lot to contend with in the past year so I really need to listen to it a little.
Blessings, J. x