Monday, 13 February 2023

The Dawning of a New Day

Last week I was lucky enough to catch the sunrise over our frost laden garden on my camera.

The moon was still in the sky. It was bitingly cold, but well worth nipping out in my dressing gown to capture all the same.

The evenings are well and truly pulling out now which is lovely. Sadly I haven't been as active as I would have liked due to inevitably succumbing to covid which has rattled through my workplace like never before. That being said, with the aid of paracetamol and ibuprofen it has been tolerable if not enjoyable. This morning I tested with just a feint line showing, so soon hopefully it shall be a dim and distant memory.

One day I ventured down to the deserted woods for some much needed fresh air. There are definitely signs of Spring stirring. A few stray ash twigs came home with me to light the fire.

I must admit that today I really missed the little people next door. We obviously have been keeping apart for several days now, though it has allowed me to rest when I needed so for that I must be grateful. Hopefully before long it will be back to cuddle and play time.

Anyway, rest and recuperate, and plan some downtime as I really feel our immune systems must be running low after all the bugs they have had to deal with lately. 

Blessings, J. x


  1. You really have been "in the wars" ( what my Mum would have said) with the nasty bugs going around. Hope you get back to full fitness very quickly

    1. WintersEndRambler14 February 2023 at 10:36

      Thank you Sue...I must say the novelty is really wearing thin!

  2. Covid is still being rather 'tricksy' and making life harder than necessary. I agree that it sounds like your immune system has been put to the test more than necessary. Continue getting better xx

    1. WintersEndRambler15 February 2023 at 08:27

      Tricksy is one word for it! Thank you...slowly but surely wins the race. x
