Wednesday, 9 December 2020

A New Day

 A new day has dawned once more...

I can hardly believe Wednesday has clicked around in the weekly run...

Yesterday saw me taking my last dose of steroids...

Sleep has been an elusive beast and I am shattered...

The half-life of the tablets is only a few hours, but they have done a remarkable job of keeping me up until at least 2am all week...

Currently waiting for a Morrisons delivery before heading off to get my hair cut...

I'm considering a choppy bob...

Something a little different...

Quite frankly I'm fed up of just clipping my hair into a messy bun...

Hair has to be up for work and I end up with a tangly mess...

Whether I shall be brave enough...or awake enough to request such a change remains to be seen!

Oops...Mr. Morrison has arrived!

Blesszings, J. x


  1. Hair change is always scary, I have a short Bob, cut well and I love it, it dries in style and I use no products, I really pleased.

    1. I did's a long graded choppy bob...loving it so far! x

  2. Squeezed in a haircut this week - shorter than short - less shampoo, less drying time less everything!
    But it's always been short - might be a shock to have a big cut in winter!

    1. It was a few inches off but I find a great mane of hair just too hot nowdays! x

  3. I was thinking of a more drastic cut myself, but if I do it will have to wait until the New Year now. Messy bun all the way here. X
