Friday, 24 March 2023

Welcome Baby Annabella

We have a brand new granddaughter...actually we have a beautiful new granddaughter. Born in a bit of a medical rush by c section on Wednesday evening after a long induced labour.

Not sure when we're getting to meet her in person just yet as it's a long old trip and Mummy has been through the mill a bit. Even baby has a cannula in her little self for antibiotics. We can wait...the important thing is she's here and doing well.

Breathe grandma breathe!!

I have dropped the shift at my workplace on a Monday which began at 7am. This will enable us to spend weekends up country if we wish and not have to rush back due to an early start. Also youngest daughter has Mondays off so with us both working shifts it was very difficult to see each other properly...and we have a wedding to plan! I've said I've not ruled out working the Monday ever if it and I am available but I now won't have the pressure to do so. They also know I am going to be starting work at our local main hospital on bank so across the two jobs I hope to keep enough funds coming in without working when I should be having some family life. Last year was just too much, my health suffered greatly and it's just not worth it. My new way of dealing with the constant requests to fill in shifts is to ignore them. Once I enter into a dialogue I feel more emotionally responsible to help. Not my problem. Even if three different people contact me about the same shift in one day. Seriously too much. Also my work at the care home sees me in and out to the various barn conversions, so I'm hot, cold, wet, cold, wet and miserable, steaming, freezing...then ill. Hospital...dry...warm...constant...

As I said earlier breathe grandma breathe...

Now blogger is being very unkind to still won't let me comment with my name even though I'm signed in. It also I realise has been withholding some comments you lovely people have left  a really random way, and as I don't moderate comments I don't realise very quickly. Sorry folks...hoping I have caught up with publishing your kind words now.

Today I am painting our main woodburner. One coat is on. Next I'll clean the glass which I have removed and after applying a second coat I need to put in the new rope sets. One for the door and one for the glass. Then later we'll have to have a door open for a while once it's lit to let the fumes escape...think Arthur had better relocate to the kitchen for a while!

The above must have been circulating on social media and one of the family thought it reminded them of someone...hubby!!

Blessings, J. x


  1. Blogger does the same to me, I can't comment in my own name when using my phone, and I have found comments from very old post showing, it's a pain. Congratulation on the birth of a granddaughter, Hope mum and baby improves quickly.

    1. WintersEndRambler24 March 2023 at 11:09

      Thank you Poppy...I think blogger is getting rather old and may need a little updating as my problems have really kicked off since updating my mac running system, though there were other issues long before that. x

  2. I’m sure I have fabric from 1982.....

  3. Huge Congratulations. Hope you get to see them very soon.

    1. WintersEndRambler25 March 2023 at 11:29

      Thank you Sue...we will indeed hopefully. x


  4. What lovely news to read after work today. Many congrats! Arilx

    1. WintersEndRambler25 March 2023 at 11:30

      Thank you Aril...x

  5. Huge congratulations to the whole family. That is wonderful news. Xx

    1. WindersEndRambler27 March 2023 at 08:50

      It is indeed Jules! x
