Wednesday, 10 October 2018

The Power of a List

I have been struggling of late
With the little delight oft known as housework
Being away from the cottage for chunks of the week
I arrive home and basically want to do nothing
Especially not the housework
And so things have been left undone
Standards have slipped
I momentarily considered employing a cleaner
Though I don't actually mind cleaning myself
So lists have been made
A daily task list
A weekly task list
A fortnightly list
A monthly list
Just got to love a list!
Anyway so far it appears to be working
The psychology of being able to tick things off
Has mystical powers
Of persuasion and reward
The persuasion being the nudge to get a move on
The reward being able to strike the magical tick
Especially when this morning
I exerted a lot of effort scrubbing the kitchen floor
On hands and knees
Elbow grease resulted in a momentarily clean floor
So after an afternoon spent with my eldest daughter
And grandson
Whilst son in law helped hubby outside
We had a treat for tea of Chinese
To celebrate her first birthday as a mother
To this little chap

Once again time has run away...
The above was typed up on Saturday
I have been having major issues with trying to blog
Blogger doesn't like my iPad at all
And our little internet connection speed we have
Doesn't often allow me to use this ancient laptop
Apparently born in 2012 it is a dinosaur!
I am unable to even comment on your lovely blogs at the moment
On my iPad anyway
So my apologies if I am quiet
I am reading and nodding in agreement
Or oohing at lovely photos
This little gem was growing in the woods
So I considered it would have been rude not to take a photo
And then mess with it just for fun

Lots has been happening here
I have managed to get another job
One that doesn't involve travelling for miles and miles
However for now I shall be keeping my other job also
We have a roof to pay for you know!
But I will be slowing down after that 
Especially come next autumn
When I will probably be looking after his nibs
For one day a week

Hope you can all still blog and comment
As your fancy takes you
Perhaps you are all using sensible computers
With super fast connection speeds!

Blessings J. x


  1. Well done on getting the new job. Your little grandson is gorgeous!

    Super fast connection? Sensible computer? What are these things of which you speak? I have a bolshie, annoying, ultra-slow computer and even slower internet connection I share your angst! Really frustrating, but we limp along, for now.

    Oh, and the mushroom photograph is beautiful.

    1. Thank you Elaine...he is a little cutie for sure...though I'm sure there will be times in the future I shall have to look at such photos for reassurance when he's up to mischief...which will surely happen someday! Really looking forward to starting my new job...activities with the elderly mainly...especially with dementia sufferers. x

  2. We moved into this house knowing it had fibre connection because the lady had complained long and loud about no broadband.So we have fast connection but we can't change to anything except BT because they own it!

    1. We are limited to a maximum of .5 mbps now...pathetic! x

  3. I love me a list and especially like adding ticks to the big job list.

    Oh what a gorgeous little boy.....and yes they seem to go from 0 to mischief in the blink of an

    Well done on the new job.

    1. Thank you Sheila, I shall have to be well prepared! x

  4. Look at that little dot! He's adorable.
    Congratulations on the new job. Although I missed the work, I didn't miss the constant travelling, especially during the Winter months. X

    1. Thank you Jules he is cute...but I am biased...he wasn't too little at 8lb 9oz and nearly a week early...I will still be travelling for the forseeable future, but it won't be the be all and end all when learners cancel. I will have a regular income coming in also! x

  5. What a little cutie that bundle of joy is. But, as you say, he'll be running around in that blink of an hour getting up to all kinds of mischief. Our oldest GD got married on the weekend, in the mountains. It was beautiful. I put a few pictures on my blog if you'd like to take a peek. Congrats. on the new job. Will be so much less stress when you don't have to travel anymore.

    1. Thank you Janice. I've had a little peek...what lovely pictures and such a beautiful setting. You must be very proud! x

  6. Has Granny been wearing the little one out already?! What a sweetie pie.

    1. Well for a 3 1/2 week old button he's worn Grandma out...especially yesterday afternoon... he managed to get to sleep after releasing some very troublesome wind...on me... and each time I tried to put him down he stirred. Two and a half hours of baby watching later I began to prepare our evening roast meal...luckily his Mummy managed some shut eye on the sofa whilst he slept on me! x

  7. Oh he is adorable! Congratulations to you all. I love lists for housework too, It doesn't always get done but makes me feel better. xx

    1. Thank you Jane, my lists have not had many ticks today...a visitor named laryngitis has seen to that! x

  8. Sorry about the blogging issues!!! -pout-


    1. Technology so wonderful and so annoying at the same time. x
