Sunday, 2 February 2020

The Return of the Grandma Roast

Well after feeling really quite down the past few days, this morning I’ve got my wiggle moving and hauled a piece of beef from the murky depths of the freezer. Veg has been prepped...along with the beginnings of a trifle. A general invitation to this event was issued via our family gossip what’s app platform. So far we have at least 3 extra...youngest is working and may respond later. Yesterday I came to the conclusion that Omeprazole which I have been taking since my back went may not be doing me as much good as harm. I have been feeling either hot or cold...have a very sore mouth and throat...been feeling dizzy and sick. The last two symptoms I threw towards having been on I stopped taking that a couple of days ago. Though on the mend I do have still a very achey back...though much better than the feeling of being stabbed with a knife which came before. Second trip to the physio this week...can’t wait!
So England are playing their first Six Nations match this afternoon. I predicted that eldest will have the baby today...maybe just in time for kick off?!??? she has been having contractions on and off this past week...we shall just have to wait and see. Hope she can enjoy her roast beef though😋. 
Yes...after a bit of an English fail with the rugby she did indeed eat her roast. The little family have now returned to their house though I feel it won’t be too long before we shall be looking after young Henry for mummy and daddy to go to the hospital.
So I am currently horizontal on the sofa...with a lovely hot water bottle on my back. Ski Sunday is on the television...and a girl in a swimming costume has just caused a bit of a pickle by messing up the finish time breaking the beam that stops the clock! Whatever next. 
I think I’d better go...
Blessings J. x


  1. Contractions on and off for a week!!? I'd have waved a white flag long since. I hope all goes well and you'll be celebrating before much longer. X

    1. Oh I do hope so Jules...if I were a nail biter my knuckles would be chewed by now! I had many days of contractions with my children which would start then stop...then super quick labours! x

  2. we shall all be on tenterhooks waiting for the news of the new arrival. I hope everything goes well.

    The side effects of your pain meds sound horrible.

    1. She is not due until Friday...but young Henry came five days early so with her having episodes of quite strong contractions we thought that the probability this one would also be early was high. However we are waiting still!
      I fear I can add restless legs to my ‘thanks for that medication’...Omeprazole destroys the magnesium in your body...which can lead to restless legs. 😫x
