Tuesday 3 January 2023

And So The New Year Begins

At home, and at work it seems to be a little of the same old same old. Both grandsons, eldest daughter and myself were poorly over the festivities. I managed a few shifts in between two bouts of feeling achey, cold, headache and sore throat. Many have had far worse. Think D & V. Always such a delight to succumb to. Still, we muddled through Christmas one way and another, though never again will I work a full shift on Christmas Day itself. I was absolutely pooped.

The turkey dinner was for us on Boxing Day and very lovely it was if I do say so myself. We held off the pressie fest until the 29th when Sonshine and his partner arrived. Think two hyper little boys who've been eyeing up the gifts under the tree since Christmas Eve but weren't allowed them!

Our plans changed totally on New Years Eve and we ended up going to Youngest daughters and her Caveman for a Chinese. Not a late night as I had an early part shift in the morning to make up for some hours I was home ill in the week. Today is another at home day. After work yesterday I suddenly came over all cold and shivery again. Then the wonderful headache and sore throat popped over to see me just for good measure. It's been a steady day. I'm not bedridden but I haven't achieved an awful lot of anything to be truthful. It is mid afternoon and I shall soon be thinking about lighting the wood burner. 

I have managed to put a few pieces of a really difficult jigsaw in place (I hope). Two robins on a wire in the snow. Many of us tried making the outside but were defeated so I am doing something I have never done before. Started making the puzzle from the inside out. 1000 (hopefully) pieces worth! The rather annoying thing is that youngest gave me a lovely colourful Winter scenic puzzle for Christmas and I'm itching to start that one. It looks easier.

Our festive tree is still up, but I don't have much enthusiasm for it now. I could do with clearing up a bit though the Winter decorations will remain for a while longer. 

I have managed to connect the weather station we gave to hubby for Christmas to the online app that has fancy pants graphs and such like available if you press the right buttons. I know sadly that techno phobe hubby will require me to press these right buttons though or get in a right tizz. He maintains his fingers are too big for delicate buttons!

He also keeps asking why I haven't finished the puzzle yet. I reply so much for the encouragement!

Anyway, New Years Blessings to you all, J. x


  1. Well done for persevering with the puzzle - too much snow and sky would have put me off even starting it!

    So much lovely lurgy going round everywhere and the children are all back at school today to collect some more

    1. Thank you Sue...I have done a little more of the puzzle this morning. I was doing so well. Living room hoovered. Laundry folded. Rest of ham chopped and frozen when I dashed upstairs for another load of dirty washing and came over all shaky again. Ah well it is an excuse to waste some time on the darn puzzle I suppose!
      The boys return to preschool on Friday. I know what you mean...an old boss of mine used to refer to children as cesspits. Not very nice but I think I know what she meant! x

  2. Mr GBT has just started the puzzle he was given at Xmas 2021. The colours are very dark and he's got his work cut out! Arilx

  3. I'm sorry you've all succumbed to the dreaded viruses in one way or another. Roll on some bright spring days, when we can throw open the windows and enjoy some sunshine. It's been one thing after another lately. Xx

    1. I know...I don't personally feel really ill, however each time I go to do something I get the shakes. There seems to be absolutely nothing in the tank at the moment. Hope you are continuing to improve. xx
